A-Z Index

About Our Tutoring Services

Tutoring is a free service offered to all students which supports a large number of general education courses as well as some upper-level courses. Our tutoring service is designed so that peer tutors meet you where you're at and address your concerns and needs, whether that be working on a specific issue or concern, preparing to study for an upcoming exam, or just needing help with being organized or developing effective study habits. When you meet with a tutor, you're setting the agenda and defining the course of the appointment while the tutor helps guide you to the end goal.

Who are our tutors?

All of our tutors are undergraduate students just like you. Each tutor either specializes in courses in their major or covers a variety of general education courses; every tutor picks the courses they tutor for, so when you come get tutoring, you can be confident that you'll meet with someone who is passionate and knowledgeable about the class you want support for. However, our tutors must also possess specific qualifications to tutor any given course which includes:

  • Passing the given course with at least a B for general education courses or an A for upper-level courses
  • Taking the course through Northwest or providing an endorsement/recommendation for tutoring a course if they didn't take it at Northwest
  • Demonstrating the ability to effectively communicate about specific course content in various ways in order to facilitate different learning styles

Additionally, all of our tutors receive on-going training and professional development through our training program which is accredited and certified through the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA). Certifying our training through CRLA ensures that we maintain best practices and procedures when it comes to tutoring.

Tutoring session

Tutoring sessions are available Monday through Thursday from 8:00am to 8:00pm and on Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm. Appointments are:

  • Available in 50-minute increments
  • Available as face-to-face, online (more information below), or small group (with prior approval) options
  • By appointment only; we do not offer walk-in appointments
  • Based on your needs or concerns, so come prepared with something to address

When you have an appointment, be sure to bring your laptop, notes, and text book if needed.

Make an Appointment

To schedule an appointment with one of our tutors, feel free to:

Online Tutoring

In addition to face-to-face tutoring, we also offer an online option for those students who are distance learners, unable to make it to campus for a face-to-face appointment, or simply would prefer an online option. All of our online appointments are held through Zoom, so you'll just need access to a laptop and Zoom account. For an online appointment, we recommend:

  • Ensuring your microphone and webcam are functioning properly
  • Using headphones, especially if you're in a crowded area during the online appointment
  • Ensuring that you have a reliable internet connection

To access your online appointment, simply login to TracCloud and the link to the Zoom meeting should appear on the front page of TracCloud 15 minutes prior to the start of your session.  

Meet the Tutors


Tutors are individuals who offer peer-collaborative support for courses that they have excelled in. These individuals help students articulate their academic needs and goals, formulate strategies for succeeding with course material, and develop critical thinking skills.

Logan CarterSpencer Cupp

Applied Health: Sports Medicine

Dustin FaganBrooklyn Ellis


Dalton ForbesLuis Hidalgo

Biology: Biomedical Sciences

Victoria GustafasonKate Karman


 Shelby HeesClarice Kent

Chemistry: Biochemistry

Holly ModlinRegan McClure

Accounting: Public

Holly ModlinMarielena Muench

Middle School Education

 Shelby NormanZane Papek

Mathematics: Data Science

 JojoJojo Payne

Biology: Biomedical Sciences


General Business

Abby RockAbby Rock


 Abby RockKatie Roseman

Marine Biology & Wildlife Ecology and Conservation

Abby RockAudrey Rowe

Chemistry: Biochemistry



CJTomas Seisdedos




CallieCallie Spunaugle

Agricultural Business



CallieAspen Sybert


 CJAnna Yarbrough

Chemistry: Biochemistry

 CJLuisa Vargas

Biology: Biomedical Sciences

CJCassidy Whorton

Mathematics Education

 Emily TruesdellZoe Wood

Marine Biology


Give us a call at 660.562.1726 or visit us on the second floor of the library to see what we have available and make a tutoring appointment.

Supplemental Course Tutors

Supplemental course tutors (SCTs) are individuals who have excelled in a specific course and have chosen to retake that course in order to support students taking it for the first time. SCTs offer study strategies and skills for the content of the specific course they support, work closely with the course instructor to develop support materials, and offer drop-in hours for students to meet with them one-on-one.

Tutor Specialist

Tutor specialists are tutors who have taken on a leadership role in addition to their typical tutoring duties. These are individuals who act as leaders and mentors to both new and returning tutors, and actively engage in the training and professional development of the SSC's tutoring staff.

Shelby NormanZane Papek

Mathematics: Data Science

JojoJojo Payne

Biology: Biomedical Sciences


General Business

Abby RockAbby Rock


Emily TruesdellZoe Wood

Marine Biology

CJAnna Yarbrough

Chemistry: Biochemistry


List of tutor-supported courses

Below is a list of all of the specific courses our tutors support. This list is dynamic, meaning it gets updated as tutors add more courses to the list of what they want to tutor, so if you don't see a course listed that you want tutoring for, feel free to reach and ask about the course or keep checking this list for updates.


  • Accounting I - ACCT51201
  • Accounting II - ACCT51202
  • Individual Taxation - ACCT51303
  • Business Taxation - ACCT51304
  • Intermediate Accounting I - ACCT51306


  • Principles of Microeconomics in Agriculture - AGRI03102
  • Plant Science - AGRI03130
  • Animal Science - AGRI03150
  • Crop Production - AGRI03232
  • Fundamentals of Soil Science - AGRI03234
  • Farm Management and Record Analysis - AGRI03304
  • Livestock Health and Disease - AGRI03358
  • Principles of Animal Nutrition - AGRI03360
  • Swine Science - AGRI03454
  • Dairy Science - AGRI03470

Biological Sciences

  • General Biology - BIOL04102
  • Medical Terminology - BIOL04104
  • Principles of Biology - BIOL04106
  • General Botany - BIOL04112
  • General Zoology - BIOL04114
  • General Microbiology - BIOL04140
  • Physiology Allied Health - BIOL04238
  • Cell Biology - BIOL04310
  • Genetics - BIOL04350
  • Human Anatomy - BIOL04436


  • General Chemistry - CHEM24112
  • General Chemistry I - CHEM24114
  • General Chemistry II - CHEM24116
  • Organic Chemistry - CHEM24242
  • Analytical Chemistry - CHEM24322
  • Organic Chemistry I - CHEM24342
  • Organic Chemistry II - CHEM24344
  • Aquatic Soil Environment Chemistry - CHEM24511
  • Atmospheric and Green Environmental Chemistry - CHEM24513


  • Computers and Informations Technology - CSIS44130


  • Principles of Macroeconomics - ECON52150
  • Principles of Microeconomics - ECON52151

Education: Curriculum and Instruction

  • Educational Computing and Technology - EDCI62130


  • Introduction to Literature - ENGL10220


  • General Earth Science - GEOL27114


  • Spanish I - LANG14141
  • Spanish II - LANG14142
  • Intermediate Spanish I - LANG14242
  • Intermediate Spanish II - LANG14243
  • Survey of Spanish Langauge Literature - LANG14448


  • Principles of Management - MGMT54313


  • Principles of Marketing - MKTG55330

Math and Statistics

  • Strategies for General Statistics - MATH17014
  • Strategies for Math Concepts - MATH17015
  • Strategies for Math Modeling - MATH17016
  • Strategies for Precalculus Algebra - MATH17018
  • Strategies for Fundamentals of Math - MATH17071
  • General Statistics - MATH17114
  • Concepts of Mathematics - MATH17115
  • Math Modeling - MATH17116
  • Precalculus - MATH17117
  • Precalculus Algebra - MATH17118
  • Trigonomotry - MATH17118
  • Calculus I - MATH17120
  • Calculus II - MATH17121
  • Computational Reasoning and Data - MATH17145
  • Fundamentals of Math - MATH17171
  • Math in the Elementary School - MATH17227
  • Linear Algebra - MATH17311
  • Calculus III - MATH17321
  • Probability and Statistics - MATH17333
  • Algebra and Geometry - Elementary/Middle School - MATH17371
  • Transition to Proofs - MATH17390


  • Sighting Singing and Ear Training - MUS19172
  • Theory of Music - MUS19173
  • The Enjoyment of Music - MUS19201
  • Jazz Appreciation - MUS19202
  • Advanced Sight Singing and Ear Training - MUS19271
  • Theory of Music - MUS19273
  • Foundations of Music Theory - MUS10435

Physical Science

  • Physical Science - Integrated Approach - PHSC40102


  • General Physics I - PHYS25110
  • General Physics II - PHYS25112
  • Fundamental Classical Physics I - PHYS25120
  • Fundamental Classical Physics II - PHYS25230

Political Science

  • Introduction to American Government and Politics - POLS34102


  • General Psychology - PSYC08103
  • Abnormal Psychology - PSYC08223
  • Cognitive Psychology - PSYC08310
  • Developmental Psychology - PSYC08333
  • Research Methods I - PSYC08334
  • Biological Psychology - PSYC08343

Study Skills

Study skills appointments are intended to help students focus on developing the fundamental skills to being an engaged student. Students who utilize study skills appointments can expect to cover things such as:

  • Note-taking skills
  • Test-taking strategies
  • Organizational skills
  • Time management skills

Study skills appointments are not a substitute for classes not listed on this page, and students should not expect to review course-specific content in these appointments.

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